All that confusion of the umpteen number of sex positions are shown graphically on iSutras, to do you know what
For $1.99 learn the art of Kamasutra – ancient Indian book on sex from this app. The app works well on iPhone / iPad and iPod touch. Available also in more ten languages for a user need. iSutras teaches the concept of love making as an art “Kama” on relationships between two lovers and on physical and psychological well-being.
Features include SpinSutra a game to enjoy with partner, Position of Love – know the special position for you, sexy and relaxing Massaging, Call Your Lovers directly from the app a shortcut. 40 positions into 7 categories discussed in detail. Vote for your favorite positions, see details on how a HE or SHE relate to a particular position, and also you can share your favorite position via email with your mate.
Rating: really do u need it.
[itunes link]